46 Series
  • 46

    46 Series

    The MAC 46 Series is a high flow direct solenoid operated 4-way poppet valve.  It features a short stroke solenoid with oval armature, a balanced poppet and conical seats.  These features translate into high shifting forces, fast consistent response times, high flow in a small package and long life.  For information regarding certifications (such as UL, CSA, RoHS and CE) please visit the Get Support pages on our website.

    Application, Installation and Service Precautions

    Cv (Max):  0.30

    Port Sizes: 1/8″-#10-32

    Configurations:  Inline – Manifold:  Plug-in/Non Plug-in – Stacking

    46 Series Catalog Pages

    46 MAConnect Pages

    46 Double MAConnect Pages

    46 Regulator Pages
