Featured Product Solutions: MAC Valves Liquid Bullet Valve®

Featured Product Solutions: MAC Valves Liquid Bullet Valve®
December 16, 2021 mdnmarketing
In MAC News


Featured Product Solutions: MAC Valves Liquid Bullet Valve® for Viscous Liquids

A customer faced issues with a liquid dosing system for viscous liquids. The flexible design of the MAC Valves Liquid Bullet Valve® was obvious to meet the repeatability requirements. But real the challenge was the selection of the compounds to meet liquid properties flowing in the Liquid Bullet Valve®. Thanks to our subsidiary Great Lakes Rubber Inc., we could propose the right solution.

0:00 – Liquid Bullet Valve® viscous liquid solutions
0:50 – Right compound matching liquid properties
1:05 – Repeatability test
1:24 – Consistent dosing meeting expectations
1:41 – Flexible design to adapt to customer need
1:53 – Stay tuned

For more information on the MAC Liquid Bullet Valve® click here
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